Arizona's $1 Billion Investment in Water

In response to the increasing need for water conservation in our state, Governor Doug Ducey signed a bill on July 6th investing more than $1 billion into efforts to amplify and preserve water supplies in Arizona as the Southwest remains in a devastating drought that has lasted more than two decades.
“Arizona will now be able to acquire, own and store new water, and we will invest heavily in conservation, efficiency, reuse and advanced water technologies like desalination,” Ducey said after signing Senate Bill 1740. “These assets have the potential to preserve millions of gallons of water every year, and they will protect our Colorado River entitlements.”
A small step towards protecting our most precious natural resource, investment in these new conservation assets has the potential to preserve millions of gallons of water every year, and they will protect Arizona's Colorado River entitlements.
The bill sets up three funds for water conservation:
- One is a $200 million fund focused on conservation efforts on water already in the state.
- Another is a fund of just less than $200 million for short-term goals, such as rainwater harvesting and converting flood water into drip irrigation.
- The third fund will include $800 million to $1 billion for long-term goals, such as a salination project or importing water into the state.
Arizona is one of seven states in the Southwest that get much of their water from the Colorado River, which is over-allocated and under duress from climate change. Now, more than ever, it is crucial to be aware of the water we consume on an individual, community, and regional level. #TogetherWeSaveWater
*Information pulled from Cronkite News, Arizona PBS